Bamboo Tooling

150 words lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec gravida tortor sagittis luctus venenatis. Aliquam porta tellus in enim condimentum, sodales malesuada felis vestibulum. Integer rhoncus egestas dui vel finibus. Nunc gravida arcu at felis posuere lacinia. Cras vitae posuere nisl. Praesent porttitor rutrum leo, et ultrices orci elementum id. Ut venenatis augue dolor, eget mattis velit luctus id. Donec eget nulla dictum lacus varius porta id ut ex. Sed lobortis dui ultricies mauris consequat consequat. Aenean eu ipsum at magna aliquam tincidunt non a risus. Vivamus dignissim dictum eros ac tincidunt.

Sed ultricies augue eu magna porta, ac rutrum eros efficitur. Cras luctus nunc ligula, id ultrices dolor interdum quis. Curabitur mi nibh, maximus sed vestibulum in, pulvinar sed lacus. Praesent commodo dui dui. Nullam dolor eros, varius et luctus interdum, finibus quis erat. Sed nec volutpat est. Vivamus efficitur elit ac turpis vestibulum molestie. Phasellus ultricies.

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Retooling Bamboo Tectonics: Blue Object

150 words lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec gravida tortor sagittis luctus venenatis. Aliquam porta tellus in enim condimentum, sodales malesuada felis vestibulum. Integer rhoncus egestas dui vel finibus. Nunc gravida arcu at felis posuere lacinia. Cras vitae posuere nisl. Praesent porttitor rutrum leo, et ultrices orci elementum id. Ut venenatis augue dolor, eget mattis velit luctus id. Donec eget nulla dictum lacus varius porta id ut ex. Sed lobortis dui ultricies mauris consequat consequat. Aenean eu ipsum at magna aliquam tincidunt non a risus. Vivamus dignissim dictum eros ac tincidunt.

Sed ultricies augue eu magna porta, ac rutrum eros efficitur. Cras luctus nunc ligula, id ultrices dolor interdum quis. Curabitur mi nibh, maximus sed vestibulum in, pulvinar sed lacus. Praesent commodo dui dui. Nullam dolor eros, varius et luctus interdum, finibus quis erat. Sed nec volutpat est. Vivamus efficitur elit ac turpis vestibulum molestie. Phasellus ultricies.

ARTICLE: Red & Blue: Retooling Bamboo Tectonics 2021

Year: 2021
Size: 13ft x 13ft x 13ft
Materials & Methods:
3-axis milled, 4-axis machined, solid painted bamboo
Principal Investigator:
Jonas Hauptman
Student Leads:
Alex Munro & Josie Price
AIA Upjohn Research Initiative
Cat Piper

Retooling Bamboo Tectonics: Red Object

This project is both a design and a technical experiment for rethinking the aesthetic associations and possibilities for bamboo structures. We are reimagining methods of fabrication via milling and assemblies of semi-solid bamboo elements. It was the first full-scale test designed and built in the VT Bamboo Research Space.


Students and faculty used the column-like structure to explore 4th axis positioning for digital fabrication and the use of a series of analog and digital custom-made tools. With these techniques we can duplicate shape properties via edge captured photographic scanning and process bamboo into specific elements.


The project served as a precursor to symbiotically designed bamboo assemblies where the natural aesthetic and mechanical behavior of this amazing biomaterial can be fully leveraged. A “snap” joint was developed by the undergraduate research assistants which makes fabrication and assembly exciting, but we learned that it does not result in a truly robust structural assembly. Finally, surface finishes were explored by painting with low VOC paint to reskin the otherwise natural unmilled areas of the bamboo. These finishes were 3 hues of red that also codified different elements of the assembly and created a richer aesthetic language within the synthetic skin.

ARTICLE: Red & Blue: Retooling Bamboo Tectonics 2021

Year: 2020
Size: 4ft x 4ft x 7ft
Materials & Methods:
3-axis milled, 4-axis machined, solid painted bamboo
Principal Investigator:
Jonas Hauptman
Student Leads:
Alex Munro & Mason Millner
AIA Upjohn Research Initiative
Chiravi Patel


This project is both a design and a technical experiment for rethinking the aesthetic associations and possibilities for bamboo structures. We are reimagining methods of fabrication via milling and assemblies of semi-solid bamboo elements. It was the first full-scale test designed and built in the VT Bamboo Research Space.


Students and faculty used the column-like structure to explore 4th axis positioning for digital fabrication and the use of a series of analog and digital custom-made tools. With these techniques we can duplicate shape properties via edge captured photographic scanning and process bamboo into specific elements.


The project served as a precursor to symbiotically designed bamboo assemblies where the natural aesthetic and mechanical behavior of this amazing biomaterial can be fully leveraged. A “snap” joint was developed by the undergraduate research assistants which makes fabrication and assembly exciting, but we learned that it does not result in a truly robust structural assembly. Finally, surface finishes were explored by painting with low VOC paint to reskin the otherwise natural unmilled areas of the bamboo. These finishes were 3 hues of red that also codified different elements of the assembly and created a richer aesthetic language within the synthetic skin.

ARTICLE: Red & Blue: Retooling Bamboo Tectonics 2021

Year: 2020
Size: 4ft x 4ft x 7ft
Materials & Methods:
3-axis milled, 4-axis machined, solid painted bamboo
Principal Investigator:
Jonas Hauptman
Student Leads:
Alex Munro & Mason Millner
AIA Upjohn Research Initiative
Chiravi Patel

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